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Social Energy
Moving home, credits, payments, getting in touch and everything in between.
Who To Contact When
How to contact us
Do you need to supply my energy?
Is Social Energy a licensed OFGEM supplier?
How much money could I save in a year?
How does Social Energy save me money?
See all 18 articles
My Data
Grid Services Agreement
Our Privacy Policy
Data protection 'stuff'
What type of cookies do we use?
How do we use cookies?
What is a cookie?
The Community
Our Community
The App
I can't login to the new Social Energy app
How can I reset my dashboard?
Why can't I see any data on my App?
Why isn't my PV generation showing up on the App ?
What information do we store on the App?
All about the App
What to do in an emergency
How to apply
What is the Social Energy hub?
I have my own battery can I join you?
How do I join Social Energy?
What happened to my credit or debit with you when you ceased to trade as a supplier?
Our agreement (the detail)
What you need to join us.
Get in Touch
How to make a complaint