You may notice in the winter your battery's state of charge isn't as high as you have seen in the summer - this is completely normal. Your generation will be lower due to shorter days and there will be limited sunlight meaning production isn't as abundant.
We also make a change as of 1st October to dedicate your system more to grid balancing. The reason for this is because we know this will be more profitable than storing the limited energy in your battery for use in the night time.
Even with our services switched off, it would be very rare for your battery to fully charge to support your property load in the evening, whereas our credits are a guaranteed payment.
We cover any self consumption losses - any energy you haven't been able to use in the property for free due to being in grid balancing will then have the cost offset within the credit you receive.
We have been offered the best contract yet with the National Grid so as your system takes part in grid balancing services you should see an increase in the credits you receive. As it stands now, credits should be around 50% higher than last winter
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