We’ve been offered our best contract yet with National Grid, so if your system takes part in our grid balancing services you should see an uplift in the credits you receive. As it stands now, credits will be 66% higher than last winter.
News items for the social energy app and website.
Feed-in Tariffs and how that works with Social Energy credits.
Export Payments and the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) – Everything you need to know.
All about renewables
Fuel sources include wind, wave, marine, hydro, biomass and solar. It is also made using sources of natural energy th...
Energy Saving hints and tips
Making the most of your energy!
The Technical Stuff
What the Social Energy hub does, how it works and who to contact if you have a problem with your battery or panels.
My Savings and Credits
All things related to savings and credits
Moving home, credits, payments, getting in touch and everything in between.