Savings from your Social Energy Hub takes two forms:
The biggest saving comes from your self-consumption savings, the battery stores energy produced when the suns out to use when you need it the most on those dark mornings, evenings and nights! You will benefit from this no matter who is supplying your energy as your Energy Supplier will only charge you for energy that has been drawn from the grid and recorded on the meter.
The second largest saving begin 90 days after you have had your battery registered by your installer and you have downloaded the Social Energy app.
Once your battery had gone through a 90 day testing and tender process you'll start providing Grid Services which is where your battery works to balance the demand of the grid. We're the only company to have passed national grid testing for our customers batteries meaning your battery can be used to balance the Network.
It’s a common misconception that grid balancing is a one-off occurrence. It's actually happening all the time. This means your battery will never fully charge or discharge. The reason for this is to ensure there is enough space in your battery to be able to charge up from the grid or that there is enough energy left in your battery to pass back to the grid when needed. The clever AI does all this and then lets you use the rest of the energy in the most cost-effective way.
You will notice your battery doing different things when you are providing grid balancing services. You will see import and export to the grid at different times during the day that might be different to what you are used to seeing before you were providing this service.
Although there could be a small cost for doing by potentially additional increasing your imported energy, this it will be outweighed by the credit payments you’ll get, and this will have been calculated into your sales quote.
Your Grid Service payments will now be paid straight into your bank account around the middle of each month.
If you have a smart meter that your energy supplier is communicating with then you will also been able to benefit from the last following smaller earning stream - Export payments. Social Energy LTD are not able to sell the exported energy on your behalf but the clever AI in the hub will help maximise the payments you can get for the energy you send to the grid.
In order to receive these payments, you will need to arrange for a SEG (Smart Export Guarantee) provider to sell your export for you. You can find a list of SEG providers here.
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